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I'm listening with headphones on so...

perhaps its just that fact but the pad is completely overpowering everything else, at 1:40 everything levels off though, and actually sounds quite delicious.

very nice, i hope to enjoy more of your happy art soon, CHEERS :3

FKProductions responds:

Thanks a lot for the review :)

I think I got the balance right, mainly because I intended it to BE overpowering everything else, but it might not be to everyone's' taste.

This wasn't meant to be technically brilliant, just inspired.

But hey, the majority of your review was positive, so that's a good sign :)

Thanks again!

Face <(X_X)>

You gave this submission a vote of "5"

Good use of effects! this sounds great, i gotta upgrade to FL10, I gotta reformat my hard drive first though, i can only imagine how much better 10 is better than 9 :3

but enough of that, this is an awesome upload, people always dissin' FL studio...THE PIGS! Come check out my newest upload 'Rays of Chaos' and you'll c what I mean, I made that in FL studio as well, but i'm running 9...however that doesn't divulge the fact that it rocks hard, just like this track!

Again, good upload and i hope to enjoy more of your Fruity art...CHEERS! :3

FKProductions responds:

Thanks for the review, I returned the favour :D

Face <(X_X)>

This is the best thing I have ever heard on NG

no joke

broove responds:


not your best

but the drum set itself if KILLER.

one thing kinda bothered me about this one, when you would put breaks in the drum set the other instruments got louder...if you were going for that then disregard this message.

also, there simply wasn't enough variation to keep me interested, after about half way it just looped again. Knowing your style, this was an awesome loop to be used for something but as a stand alone song it came up short for me.

BUT WHATEV'S! I hope to see this doing something epic in one of your up and coming projects, until then i will bide my time and anxiously wait for those to come out (while drooling from mouth)

CHEERS, and i hope to hear more of your grungy art soon! :3

YouriX responds:

No! thanks for the review. I just wanted to make a really brainless DnB loop. Hence you can say with full right its not my best work. But still a worhty good song ;)


wow, don't be angry if i pan the drums for a track i upload in the future, that was interesting.

I can see this animated, it would go with anything madness oriented, and they could easily create just carnage everywhere! This track warrants that type of activity, lol.

its really good, i hope to hear more angry art from u soon, cheers!! :3

YouriX responds:

Pan away my friend pan away..... ;)
Thanks for the review by the way :P


I 5'd it, and am only giving a 9 because:

The vocals were awesome, however the usage was poor.

here is what i recommend, if u r going to use only one verse u have to stretch it as far as possible. To do so i recommend WaveTraveler, it gives u so much freedom to do whatever with a sample u wish.

load that verse in it, and u become a mini-dj u can scratch it, slow it down, speed it up, and each thing u do to it becomes a note.

Thus u can make the C note in waveTraveler just be the straight verse, and u can make the D note slower, and u can make the G note scratch it...and so on.

At that point it wouldn't have to be a break in the song, it could be an addition to the track.

As a slight example, u can check out my song "Im a scientist" I took a sample from Ghost busters and at one point i scratch it into the music.

Trying something new is always awesome...but it is a double edged sword, either u will succeed in your attempt...or u will fail.

this was a 90% success (in my opinion) so keep at it for 100 :)

Hopefully i will be able to come down off this stagnant beat making soon, i can't make anything for shit these dayz...

I hope to hear more of your art soon...Cheers! :)

YouriX responds:

Thanks for the awesome review. You just gave me some good ideas and i will experiment with them ;)

And i hope hope you can come up with some beats im a big fan of your work!

i can see the effort on this one! WOW! :3

AWESOME use of Sax, quite possibly the only thing wrong and this is completely my opinion, is the second bar of the sax arp...it seems off key but dude...IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!!

Whether u hear it or not, it is what it is...and it is AWESOME!

Good upload, i hope to hear more of ur GLORIOUS HAITIAN art soon. Cheers! :3

YouriX responds:

Yeah i went crazy with the Sax. And its something completely new to me to use for now on i'll try to experiment with new sounds more often :)

before 0:56, was a waste of space

but after that...it really took off, what you should have done is scrap ur current intro, and had that glass piano play for the opening bars, and then do your drums, and throw in ur bass.

basically not have the first 55 seconds at all, cuz after that it is an actual track.

It sounds like ur new to the whole beat making process...so i will share wit you what i know...and it is actually quite simple, check it:

1. Melody - this particular track has a slight one...but a definite melody is where its at, it is the underlying back bone to a head banger.

2. Drums - The more 'loose' you can make it the better, and there r a million and one samples free online if u just google it.

by 'loose' i mean the least structured but still maintaining a steady metronome will take u far - u got that(u'd be surprised how hard of a concept the 'metronome' is for some people)

me personally i try to pack as many abstract sounds into a drum set as i can!

3. Chords, and bass - I personally have a hard time wit bass, cuz i have some fairly crappy speakers with which i do my music, and my sub hits high bass, but not low, but i am like the chord master! >:3

chords would have made this track go the extra mile, when u play 2 notes together and they sound good together - that is a chord, and i've managed to play at least 6 or 7 notes at once but that isn't important.

a cool strategy i've found is to play two notes at once, and keep one of those notes the same, on the next note that plays, but change only one...it can have different effects depending on the track.

that was pretty lengthy, and i hope that it isn't useless info :3

I hope to hear more art from u soon, cheers!

VakZeeN responds:

WOW...Thanks Dude Imma Really Start Getting Into It More And Work On What Your Advice Has Given Me ....Ill Check Out Your Beats As Soon AS I Can...

...sorry man, i'm just not feeling this one :(

its the beat...it is WAY too gimmicky...WAY.

I mean u got a quite a few good lines in here, but it is a totally a diss/attack track and u got like...old fashioned, stage music...big miss there...however:

If u still have the lyrics send them to me, and i'd like to remix this with a totally fitting beat.

let me know whats up, and i hope to hear more art from u soon, sir :3

Broken-Needle responds:

lol, i love this beat, but u can def remix it=)

at 1:50...things took a turn for the worst!!!!!

The tree...apparently minding his own business up until that point has to now contend with man encroaching on the trees domain!!! How audacious!

I mean the tree and all his tree friends in the Forrest have stood their ground for hundreds of years! Now comes 'Cocky' 'Man' thinking he can just own the land...well the trees won't stand idly by...this will not end well...

great song, lots of epicness, and might i add the pitch change on the inital synths...brilliant.

I hope to hear more epic art from you soon sir...CHEERS!!! :3

DjUntold responds:

Haha thank you very much my friend.
Absolutely the feel that I was going for.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I loved your explanation! Haha

Music Music Music, Such a sweet sounding art form for the ears...I implore u, do me the justice of listening to me music. :3

Age 39, Male


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