before 0:56, was a waste of space
but after really took off, what you should have done is scrap ur current intro, and had that glass piano play for the opening bars, and then do your drums, and throw in ur bass.
basically not have the first 55 seconds at all, cuz after that it is an actual track.
It sounds like ur new to the whole beat making i will share wit you what i know...and it is actually quite simple, check it:
1. Melody - this particular track has a slight one...but a definite melody is where its at, it is the underlying back bone to a head banger.
2. Drums - The more 'loose' you can make it the better, and there r a million and one samples free online if u just google it.
by 'loose' i mean the least structured but still maintaining a steady metronome will take u far - u got that(u'd be surprised how hard of a concept the 'metronome' is for some people)
me personally i try to pack as many abstract sounds into a drum set as i can!
3. Chords, and bass - I personally have a hard time wit bass, cuz i have some fairly crappy speakers with which i do my music, and my sub hits high bass, but not low, but i am like the chord master! >:3
chords would have made this track go the extra mile, when u play 2 notes together and they sound good together - that is a chord, and i've managed to play at least 6 or 7 notes at once but that isn't important.
a cool strategy i've found is to play two notes at once, and keep one of those notes the same, on the next note that plays, but change only can have different effects depending on the track.
that was pretty lengthy, and i hope that it isn't useless info :3
I hope to hear more art from u soon, cheers!