I forget the name of the song...
But an artist named Papoose made a song like this one it was also really good.
Dude, this is so funny, just this morning i was thinking to myself that im missing good hip hop, i hate that what is played on the radio is even labeled as hip hop, or rap. It is barely rap, and it isn't hip hop it is dance music!
Dancing is cool...but we need a time out on that and we need to come up with something that is a little more. Like this :3
This was good...really good, i would have given it a 9.9 cuz the intro suz...lol, but as that can't be done, u still deserve a 10 :)
Very good, the only thing constructive i can say is that the intro is still way too quiet, and the exit isn't really an exit, the song just stops...which i can hear the outro, but that is the way it seems. If your going to end it like that u don't need to fade it out and let that last thing u say be what the listener takes away from the song as a whole.
Good job however, i hope to hear more GLORIOUS art from u soon sir. :3